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发布时间:2024-06-27 浏览量:


Announcement of Xi'an Jiaotong University's "International Month" — Xi'an Jiaotong University Global Summer School (XJTISS)

2024 XJTU-POLIMI SUMMER CAMP-Lecture series on novel power system and carbon neutrality


Time: August 28-29, 2024


Detailed arrangements:


Project Description:




This course is specially designed for summer camp students of Politecnico di Milano, Italy. It will be conducted both online and offline. It is open to undergraduate students (freshmen to juniors) of Xi’an Jiaotong university offline. Other students can only participate online. The number of on-site students enrolled is expected to be 40, including 10 undergraduate students from Politecnico di Milano and 30 undergraduate students from Xi'an Jiaotong University. Students who take this series of courses and pass the assessment can obtain relevant learning certification as the basis for international competence recognition.

Lectures by famous teachers: The course invites senior professors and outstanding young teachers from our school to give a series of lectures. The course team includes four national talents, including winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund and "Overseas Outstanding Young Scholars".

Deep integration of industry and education: The course invites senior experts from leading domestic power equipment companies to give lectures, and a series of practical training will be arranged in leading companies. So that students can better understand the electrical engineering science and the frontiers of applications.




Students who intend to register for this course please click the registration link or scan the QR code below to register.  https://docs.qq.com/form/page/DR2d1UnlHRGN2RVZw


Students who have registered, please join the new QQ group to get more project notifications. QQ group number: 897255321. After joining the group, please change the group nickname to the format of "school + name".



因项目要求对选课人数有限制,现要求企业实训仅允许外校学生且本人在西安的学生线下参加,仅限30人,根据报名顺序先到先得;系列学术报告仅允许本校学生线下听取,外校学生、海外学生仅线上听取,直播链接为:https://zhibo.xjtu.edu.cn/show, 直播二维码为:

The maximum of on-site participants is 30, with priority on a first-come, first-served basis. The series of academic lectures are exclusively open for on-campus students to attend in person, while students from other institutions and international students are only allowed to attend online. The link of academic reports live broadcast is: https://zhibo.xjtu.edu.cn/show. The QR code for live broadcast is:


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